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With over two decades on stage, Brad brings a humorous, down-to-earth approach to a complicated issue...building R.E.A.L. wealth. 

Heartwarming, relatable stories about how generosity inspires both productivity and purpose leaves audiences committed to a "greater good." 

His keynote talk (and book), "The R.E.A.L. Wealth Formula," helps associate ever day, seemingly mundane actions to a vision/mission bigger than ourselves. 

Crowds walk away entertained and inspired with a simple, easy to follow plan to build R.E.A.L. wealth. 

To schedule Brad for an event (live or virtual) or podcast appearance, please access the media kit and demo video. 

Speaker Demo Video

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About Brad

"In 2008, I was dead broke. Family, bills, stress...and there seemed to be no relief in sight. I decided something had to change and real estate was it. A few years later, in 2013, I was able to retire. My passive income was larger than my monthly expenses. It meant...I didn't HAVE to work anymore. 

Now...I'm on a mission to help people start THEIR path to financial freedom through real estate investing. EVERYONE can experience R.E.A.L. Wealth; let me show you how."

- Brad Hovis


(720) 966-1929 | | 11001 W 120th Ave Suite 400 Broomfield, CO 80021

Start your path to financial freedom. Give us a call 720-966-1929

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